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Member Since: 9/29/2005
21 Recent Member Comments

LAskierboy wrote about Film Screenings:
You guys are just ticked off cause you didn't get to see it yet. So STOP SNIVELING! And look again! I only spoke to an imaginary sequel THAT DOESN'T EVEN EXIST YET! I'm just guessing fan boys!!! I said NOTHING about the plot of the film you'll just have to wait a few more minutes to see. (There is more to life than just this movie) ... so stop sniveling and go enjoy the film. Trust me, you still don't know what this version is about so quit acting all put out like spoiled Beverly Hills babies. IF I WAS REALLY GOING TO SPOIL IT FOR YOU, I WOULD WARN YOU FIRST, AND THAT WAY YOU COULD JUST STOP READING.
Posted: 11:56pm | 8/13/2009

LAskierboy wrote about Film Screenings:
District 9 will be the surprise hit of the summer!
Posted: 10:34pm | 8/13/2009

LAskierboy wrote about Film Screenings:
DISTRICT 9 was AWESOME! A new franchise is born! This film will do huge box-office numbers. It is so much better than the trailers allowed it to appear. GO SEE THIS FLICK!
Posted: 10:31pm | 8/13/2009

LAskierboy wrote about Film Screenings:
(C'mon Hollywood! How many times have been told not to use flashbacks to try to impress us!!!) It was just dumb!!! BUT... it was a well run screening and we are totally grateful for the chance to see a flick that was "almost" the perfect getaway. (Or in other words ... it was perfect to getaway from!) Thanks for the tickets Sean. It's not your fault buddy!
Posted: 9:44am | 8/7/2009

LAskierboy wrote about Film Screenings:
The film was soooooooo cool up to the "twist". Then the twist was directed with such a ridiculous and juvenile fashion that it was ludicrous! (What a waste of a good setup.) They totally screwed over the audience with a deceitful misdirection. And they totally lost direction and design. All the director could do was try to add some stupid adolescent gruesomeness to try to shock us and it was just silly. We were laughing at the horror. Now I have to tell you that this was one of the first movies lately that we've seen them actually put consumer electronics to good use in a story line ... but then they capitulated and fell backwards into stupid movie tricks to try to create a climax.
Posted: 9:44am | 8/7/2009

LAskierboy wrote about Film Screenings:
Thanks for a great screening last night Sean! THE PERFECT GETAWAY was "ALMOST" perfect ... for the first hour of the film it was fabulous! (I mean the lighting was excellent, the colors were fabulous, the sound was clear and precise, the direction was intriguing, the camera shots dramatic, the script well developed, the characters very interesting, and the dialogue was hot and dynamic.) BUT THEN THE MOVIE COMPLETELY FELL APART FOR THE LAST 33% OF THE FILM!!! It's like they just fired the professional director half way through the movie - and then hired some grade school kids to finish the picture for the studio.
Posted: 9:44am | 8/7/2009

LAskierboy wrote about Film Screenings:
Hi Sean! You did a really good job tonight dude! That was the cleanest, most organized and efficient line handling I have ever seen. And it had a very positive effect on everyone's attitudes, so we could all really enjoy the whole screening experience. And that made it really easy for us to have fun and engage in the movie...which was really cute. You helped us so much tonight. THANK YOU! You're the Man!
Posted: 9:49pm | 7/21/2009

LAskierboy wrote about Film Screenings:
I think the saying goes "no good deed ... goes unpunished" Thanks for all your hard work Sean and CC!
Posted: 12:33pm | 7/17/2009

LAskierboy wrote about Film Screenings:
ya...ok...whatever you say dude.
Posted: 12:05am | 6/29/2009

LAskierboy wrote about Film Screenings:
Naw, I'm good! I just want you people to stay off Sean's back. (And I'll see you tomorrow at the 500 Days of Summer screening.)
Posted: 10:24pm | 6/28/2009

LAskierboy wrote about Film Screenings:
Now the studios only give Campus Circle twenty-five percent (25%) of the tickets that they used to be able to give away, so a lottery is the only fair way for Sean to distribute those too few tickets that he still has available. The studios gave all the other tickets that Campus Circle used to have to LA Weekly, and MyCinemaAccess, and Gofobo, and the other websites that give out free tickets. So now ALL the companies share, so there are LESS tickets for everyone to go see a free movie, because there are LESS screenings at theaters now! (That way the studios save a lot of money by renting FEWER theaters.) Get it? It's NOT Sean's fault!!! Quit blaming Sean. Just be happy and be patient!
Posted: 7:01pm | 6/28/2009

LAskierboy wrote about Film Screenings:
One more time Casket... The ticket give-away is NOT Sean's way of organizing the line-crashers. Sean no longer has control of the line-crashers ... because Campus Circle is not the ONLY company at the screenings now, and Sean can't tell their people what to do and he can't tell them the way to stop the line-crashers. The studios gave most of the tickets that Sean used to get to the other companies like LA Weekly, and MyCinemaAccess, and Gofobo, (and all the other websites that give out tickets). Now all of their subscribers are screaming for tickets for Campus Circle screenings too!
Posted: 7:00pm | 6/28/2009

LAskierboy wrote about Film Screenings:
Dear Casket...I think you just dropped...a big one. Sean and the crew at Campus Circle are doing everything they can to help people see free movies as much as the studios will let them. You need to appreciate the things you still actually do get for free...rather than acting all entitled to them like you deserve everything free. Be nice or be gone.
Posted: 10:54am | 6/28/2009

LAskierboy wrote about Film Screenings:
It's NOT Campus Circle's fault guys!!!! They have to lottery the tickets now...because the studio makes them. (I hope Sean doesn't get mad at me for telling you this - or I might not get anymore tickets!!) But it's the movie studios who are FORCING ALL of the "non-market research" and free press screening websites (Weekly, Cinema, Gofo, Metro, etc.) to merge all of their e-mail members together into the same screening, in order to save the studios money on paying the theaters for the screenings. So Campus Circle doesn't have as many tickets as they used to, so they HAVE to lottery them. And if they keep sending the same people to the screening the studios get angry, so they have to spread the tickets around so everybody gets a chance sooner or later. Don't blame Campus, they are AWESOME!!!!!!
Posted: 6:38pm | 6/27/2009

LAskierboy wrote about Film Screenings:
And of course ... there probably needs to be a policy that one person can save "only one other seat" in the theater ... I'm sure the studios would be happier, as happy people would encourage their friends to see the movie more becuase they had a more pleasant experience at the theater.
Posted: 2:03am | 5/19/2009

LAskierboy wrote about Film Screenings:
Bar codes DON'T work because the line cutters just go to the back of the line to get their bar-coded pass, and then they just walk back to the front of the line where their one early friend is holding all twenty of their spots so they can get into line later. Sequentually numbered tickets passed out earlier is the way best to solve the problem. It really upsets the line-crashers to think that we could actually help Sean solve the problem.
Posted: 1:58am | 5/19/2009

LAskierboy wrote about Film Screenings:
Hey Sean ... if you would like to have some volunteers to help ... my friends and I would be glad to show up to the screenings early and help you hand out sequentially numbered tickets to people as they line up ... so that the first come really are the first served, ya?. Heck, we'll even print them for you. Let me know. Michael
Posted: 11:40pm | 5/18/2009

LAskierboy wrote about Film Screenings:
Terminator...really good special effects! and really strong fight scenes! and the opening chase scenes were super hot! (And Sean was doing a great job handling a HUGE crowd!) We want to suggest that Campus Circle hand out line numbers to people in line, in order to prevent line crashers and stop people from holding too many spots for too many friends. We got in line 3 and 1/2 hours (4pm) before the screening and there were only 50 people in front of us. But by the time we started moving into the theater, there were 200 people who had crowded in front of us. We barely found two seats together by the time we got inside. (Sean, if you hand out place holder numbers to those who legitimately arrive and get in line early, you can keep the line crashers in line, and avoid that massive place holding for huge groups of friends.) Thanks!!!
Posted: 10:30pm | 5/18/2009

LAskierboy wrote:
Terminator...really good special effects! and really strong fight scenes! and the opening chase scenes were super hot! (And Sean was doing a great job handling a HUGE crowd!) We want to suggest that Campus Circle hand out line numbers to people in line, in order to prevent line crashers and stop people from holding too many spots for too many friends. We got in line 3 and 1/2 hours (4pm) before the screening and there were only 50 people in front of us. But by the time we started moving into the theater, there were 200 people who had crowded in front of us. We barely found two seats together by the time we got inside. (Sean, if you hand out place holder numbers to those who legitimately arrive and get in line early, you can keep the line crashers in line, and avoid that massive place holding for huge groups of friends. Thanks!!!
Posted: 10:27pm | 5/18/2009

LAskierboy wrote about Film Screenings:
WOW! Star Trek at the Bridge IMAX! Awesome! THANK YOU SEAN! We will tell all our friends to go pay to see it! It is totally worth it at the IMAX!
Posted: 3:47am | 5/7/2009

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