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Member Since: 12/4/2007
8 Recent Member Comments

jj wrote about Film Screenings:
Hi Sean: Just want to thank you the tickets to Black Swan, I love Natalie Portman and she is great in this film and everyone should see it. You and your staff are the best. Smooches theshoediva
Posted: 1:08pm | 12/3/2010

jj wrote about Film Screenings:
Hey Sean Thanks for last nights screen of Burlesque. As I told some friends after the screening the performances by either of them will not garner any awards, however the film is very entertaining and a great date night film
Posted: 10:35am | 11/23/2010

jj wrote:
The upcoming movie Splice seem to me from looking at the trailer this film is only an updated version of Species. I'm not feeling it...
Posted: 9:00am | 5/11/2010

jj wrote:
I just got my screening pass for Death at a Funeral for Wednesday at the Grove and I'm soooooo excited. I can't wait to see this movie. Thanks Sean your the best...:-)
Posted: 12:58pm | 4/12/2010

jj wrote:
I just go my screening pass for Death at a Funeral for Wednesday at the Grove and I'm soooooo excited. I can't wait to see this movie. Thanks Sean your the best...:-)
Posted: 12:56pm | 4/12/2010

jj wrote about Film Screenings:
Sean Thanks for the screen pass to Valentines Day, The movie is very funny,sweet and romantic. I really enjoyed it. Thanks again Joyce
Posted: 10:01am | 2/12/2010

jj wrote about Film Screenings:
I'm have a screening pass for V-DAY on Thursday at the Grove and I'm going alone would some one like the other seat?
Posted: 10:13am | 2/10/2010

jj wrote about Film Screenings:
Sean: Thanks for the screening ticket to Up In The Air I really enjoyed it I was not a George Clooney fan- I went to see Jason Batman I'm a huge fan of his. However I must say that I' really enjoy Mr Clooney's performance he was very very good Thanks again
Posted: 1:58pm | 12/7/2009
