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maceo d kat
maceo d kat
Member Since: 4/15/2009
53 Recent Member Comments

maceo d kat wrote about Film Screenings:
Dang, sounds like a horror show up in City Walk! Glad i went to the Arclight Screening. lolalwaysfunreadingpissedoffedpeoplesreactionsaboutnotgettinginlol
Posted: 8:51am | 6/30/2011

maceo d kat wrote about Film Screenings:
damn it, cant make the OC screening of Sucker Punch. Guess i have to see it on Friday on the IMAX screen instead.
Posted: 3:05pm | 3/23/2011

maceo d kat wrote about Film Screenings:
Posted: 8:57am | 3/16/2011

maceo d kat wrote about Film Screenings:
Posted: 8:56am | 3/16/2011

maceo d kat wrote about Film Screenings:
for those going to the ELEKTRA LUX screening without seeing WOMEN IN TROUBLE, are doing themselves a great disservice.
Posted: 11:01am | 3/1/2011

maceo d kat wrote about Film Screenings:
wishes he went to Yogi Bear instead of Tron: Legacy last night. if only the bock was further away from downtown disney!!!!!!!
Posted: 11:38am | 12/14/2010

maceo d kat wrote about Film Screenings:
scott pilgrim would be the movie that had me standing in line 24 hrs before it started
Posted: 2:02pm | 8/6/2010

maceo d kat wrote about Film Screenings:
splice looks so sick. cant wait to see it tomorrow
Posted: 2:25pm | 6/1/2010

maceo d kat wrote about Film Screenings:
For the record Margor, I am just one person. One account.
Posted: 9:09pm | 4/26/2010

maceo d kat wrote about Film Screenings:
dude. i wish i cared enough to make fake multiple accounts
Posted: 2:03pm | 4/26/2010

maceo d kat wrote about Film Screenings:
ok HATERS... lol. i guess with every new fake name comes a new chance to win those tickets huh
Posted: 2:02pm | 4/26/2010

maceo d kat wrote about Film Screenings:
LOL. thanks for clearing that up secrete: To generate and separate (a substance) from cells or bodily fluids... se·crete 2: To steal secretly; filch.
Posted: 1:53pm | 4/26/2010

maceo d kat wrote about Film Screenings:
statistically you cant go to every screening. ethically, you shouldn't be able to go to every screening. but that's neither here nor there. you can posture and pretend all you want, but you guys recycle tickets, use fake accounts, and straight up abuse these screenings, and have for years. why cant you guys just lol at the rest of us suckers you have to "win a chance" to go to these events and stop trying to pretend that you use gofobo. sure they open up erratically, i've gotten a few low key screenings from them myself, but its in no way a viable source to bypass the "raffle/sweepstakes" style of rsvping here at CC.
Posted: 1:24pm | 4/26/2010

maceo d kat wrote about Film Screenings:
got the tix for the losers in the OC, had the joy of sitting next to a lady not only dumb enough to bring a 8 month old to the film, retard enough to mumble nearly every line and just oafish enough to guffaw a chuckle that could be barely be qualified as a laugh. other than that, chris even killed in a slightly predictable action flick
Posted: 9:03am | 4/22/2010

maceo d kat wrote about Film Screenings:
@ MARGOR, i hear you. there are a lot of sour grapes that get posted on these boards, but it's never been me. (although i have yet to be denied at the door) and while i thank CC and the staff for what they do, i'm sure they rather be repaid by us clicking on these links instead of just posting it here on the boards. @ Front of the line, and everyone else from here, your more than welcome to join me in line. i'll be the one about 20 people behind Albee
Posted: 1:59pm | 3/26/2010

maceo d kat wrote about Film Screenings:
@ MARGOR, was just wondering the secret to his success. not obsessing, more like curious, must be the kat part of me
Posted: 12:33pm | 3/25/2010

maceo d kat wrote about Film Screenings:
@ Front of the line, yeah man Albee is a staple. how does he get every ticket? something fishy man.
Posted: 9:21am | 3/24/2010

maceo d kat wrote about the The Runaways OC Film Screening:
Posted: 1:16pm | 3/15/2010

maceo d kat wrote about Film Screenings:
sorry about that sean, i didnt know what the policy was.
Posted: 4:37pm | 3/9/2010

maceo d kat wrote about Film Screenings:
so it looks like the she's out of my league passes have been passed out. bummed i couldnt make the rancho screening, had to go the OC to catch Hot Tub (dont miss that btw, ROFL worthy) if anyone has an extra ticket and need help in line let me know :)
Posted: 2:59pm | 3/8/2010

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