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Member Since: 11/20/2009
16 Recent Member Comments

BETTY wrote about Film Screenings:
Hello Sean and my Campus Circle peeps. It's been a very long time since I chatted with all of you. I'm hoping I win tickets for "Splice".
Posted: 9:38am | 5/24/2010

BETTY wrote about Film Screenings:
Thank you so very much Sean for the tickets for "The Runaways". I loved the movie. Awesome soundtrack. Party Hard!!!!!! As alway, loving this site. thank you.
Posted: 10:16pm | 3/18/2010

BETTY wrote about Film Screenings:
Hello Campus Circle family. Sean, thank you for my ticket for "The Runnaways". I know I will have a blast this thursday at the block. YAY!! For everyone who got tickets for the screening, see you all there.
Posted: 5:41pm | 3/16/2010

BETTY wrote about Film Screenings:
Hello there, Campus Circle Family. Just did my RSVP for "Runaways" for the screening at the Block in Orange. I hope I'm one of the lucky ones to get tickets, however I can't wait till "Hot Tub Time Machine" is open to RSVP. I think the previews is a riot. I always have a great time whenever I get the tickets. I love the crowd and have a blast always. Thanks for all of the great momments Sean.
Posted: 1:12am | 3/12/2010

BETTY wrote about Film Screenings:
Hi Sean and my campus circle amigos. I had such a great time at the Block. Thank you again for the tickets. Cop Out is really funny. Had a blast. Thanks for another great momment. Adios.
Posted: 12:28am | 2/25/2010

BETTY wrote about Film Screenings:
Hey Sean, CAN NOT tell you how much I appreciate the tickets for COP OUT for tomorrow's screening. Too all of you who got the tickets, see you tomorrow. Thanks again Sean.
Posted: 8:49pm | 2/23/2010

BETTY wrote about Film Screenings:
Hello jdawgg2010, Sorry for you lose. I too lost a loved one and it took time for me to let go, but I never forgot those special momments. I hope you find your self ok and I'm sending you my condolences. Take care, your friend. Betty
Posted: 8:09pm | 2/19/2010

BETTY wrote about Film Screenings:
YAY!!!! Thank you Sean for the free movie screening "Cop Out". See you at the Movies........thank you!:)
Posted: 8:03pm | 2/19/2010

BETTY wrote about Film Screenings:
Hello everyone. I hope you all had a wonderful Valentine. I just did my RSVP for COP OUT and I hope I'm one of those lucky ones to get tickets. Sean, I hear that you attend the free movie screenings, but I have not had the chance to meet you. Maybe someday. Well, my campus circle family, untill we meet again at those free fun screenings. Adios.
Posted: 11:25pm | 2/16/2010

BETTY wrote about Film Screenings:
Holla, my Campus Circle friends/family. Hope everyone is doing fine. See you all at the movies and events soon.
Posted: 9:33pm | 2/4/2010

BETTY wrote about Film Screenings:
I was one of the lucky ones who got tickets for Sherlock Holmes. After a 2 hour wait, I was the 6 person in line to enter the theater, but they ran out of seats. I am still very greatfull Sean for the tickets. Hope you had a wonderful holiday with family and loved ones. Looking forward for New Years. Hope all campuscircle family had a wonderful Holiday. See you soon at another screening.
Posted: 11:59am | 12/26/2009

BETTY wrote about Film Screenings:
Yay! I got my Sherlock Holmes tickets. Yes!!! Thank you Sean. Happy Christmas Shopping Campus Circle family.
Posted: 11:07pm | 12/15/2009

BETTY wrote about Film Screenings:
Hello Sean. I'm so very happy that the RSVP is now open for Sherlock Holmes. I'm crossing my fingers on this one. By the way, I enjoyed the Morgan Freeman and Matt Damon movie. It was great. Awesome acting from both, but of course it was. Another Clint winner.
Posted: 10:41pm | 12/14/2009

BETTY wrote about Film Screenings:
Hey Sean, I became a fan of free movie screenings. I enjoy this website. I look forward to attending to future events. Thank you
Posted: 12:43am | 12/10/2009

BETTY wrote about Film Screenings:
Thank you very much for the movie ticket. Just came back from the Block and the movie started out with Power 106 giving away free stuff. I made a fool of myself by screaming like a fool and making funny faces. Hey I got a FREE CD...yes. Just watched Invictus and it was great. Fine acting by Morgan Freeman and the contact sport was such a ruch. I became such a fan for Ruby.
Posted: 11:37pm | 12/8/2009

BETTY wrote about Film Screenings:
Posted: 11:43pm | 12/7/2009
