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Member Since: 12/2/2009
9 Recent Member Comments

V_Inc. wrote about Film Screenings:
Who's going to WWE Axess this weekend?
Posted: 9:33am | 8/16/2012

V_Inc. wrote about Film Screenings:
Greetings! I haven't been to a screening since Feb.
Posted: 11:23am | 8/4/2011

V_Inc. wrote about the Take Me Home Tonight Film Screening:
Didn't realize this was the LA premiere. I appreciated the free foam hands they gave to those who got in line EXTRA EARLY (as the email pass says). Too bad we were not able to get photos/autographs of the stars b/c we were across the street behind them as we waited in the cold, rainy weather until they finally let us in around 7PM. Movie itself was "Superbad".The comedy and drama were well balanced. I thought the comedy would be over-the-top. Kudos to CC!
Posted: 5:28pm | 3/3/2011

V_Inc. wrote about the Jackass 3D Film Screening:
*crosses fingers.....and toes*
Posted: 5:53pm | 10/11/2010

V_Inc. wrote about the Hot Tub Time Machine LA Film Screening:
Sherin, the closed RVSP's means they haven't opened yet. It says "RSVPs will open soon" and I myself wonder how soon.
Posted: 4:42pm | 2/25/2010

V_Inc. wrote about Film Screenings:
I wonder if tonight's screening of Legion will be affected by the weather.
Posted: 1:37pm | 1/21/2010

V_Inc. wrote about a Calendar Event:
Looks interesting!
Posted: 2:09pm | 12/23/2009

V_Inc. wrote about Film Screenings:
ettie: I meant the RSVP for both are closed!
Posted: 12:55pm | 12/12/2009

V_Inc. wrote about Film Screenings:
Awww man! Both of the Sherlock screenings are closed. :(
Posted: 5:13pm | 12/11/2009
