It seems like every day there’s another study about the adverse health effects of sitting at a computer all day. And with school back in full swing, chances are you’re going to be logging some serious time at your desk. To avoid an aching back and neck, and prevent long-term health problems, the solution is two-fold.

First, you’re going to want to position your monitor and keyboard correctly. Your monitor should be set at about arm’s length from you, with the top of the screen just below eye level. Your elbows should be at a 90-degree angle when you type.

The next big step you can take is to break up the amount of sitting you’re doing. That’s where a sit-stand workstation comes into play. Ergotron’s WorkFit-Z is a great solution for dorm rooms and apartments where space is limited.

This compact – but not too compact – workstation sits right on top of your existing desk, so there’s no need to go all-in on a pricey motorized conversion desk. With the push of a lever, you can effortlessly raise or lower the WorkFit-Z to the desired height.

The workstation is ready to go right out of the box. It might be a bit heavy for some people to lift onto a desk, but once it’s set, there’s really no reason to move it, unless you find yourself needing a lot of desk space. Most situations won’t require more real estate than the WorkFit-Z offers. There’s ample room for your monitor, keyboard, mouse, and notes. There’s even a convenient trough to prop up your handheld devices.

The WorkFit-Z won’t be an eyesore, either. It has an attractive gray woodgrain surface and slots to keep all of your cords tamed and out of sight. When fully collapsed, it’s not even all that noticeable on your desk.

One important factor to consider before investing in a desktop workstation is the height of your existing desk. The WorkFit-Z’s keyboard tray adds .9” to your keyboard height, so be sure to take that into account.

Another consideration is how much time you’re spending on your computer. For those who are putting in some long hours, an alternative solution, one with independently adjustable monitor and keyboard heights that will allow you to fine-tune for ideal ergonomics, might be preferred. But for most users, just breaking up the workday with periods of standing will go a long way. With its moderate price and ease of use, the WorkFit-Z is a great way to do just that.