Clothing shop: I try to always wear minimum clothing, so it’s always about the handbags. Louis Vuitton has blessed me with always coming out with the fiercest bags, so rocking one of those, with just hot shorts on and some diamond necklaces is hotter than a dress any day.

I love shopping at Christian Louboutin [9040 Burton Way, Beverly Hills], Chanel [400 N. Rodeo Dr., Beverly Hills], and thrift store shopping on Melrose is fun, too!

Record store: iTunes is my favorite. You can lay in bed and just click around instead of dealing with assholes behind the counter and bad customer service. L.A. traffic sometimes makes me feel like I have cancer, so I prefer computers. So 2009, I know, I know.

Venue to play: Any House of Blues because they have the nicest staff and the BEST sound! On tour I often find venues that don’t allow me to showcase my angel sex voice as best as I’d like.

 First show ever attended: When I was 2 years old my mom took me to see Bruce Springsteen! I think she used to bang him years before, so that was awkward.

Bookstore: Book Soup on the Sunset Strip [8818 W. Sunset Blvd., West Hollywood] because they have books you normally wouldn’t find at a Barnes & Noble, and I love supporting indie chains in this dying industry.

Hair salon: Hollywood Dolls Salon [617 S. Mesa St., San Pedro]! My amazing hairdresser Melissa works there, and she’s the one that makes my hair brighter than the fucking sun!

Movie theater: ArcLight [6360 W. Sunset Blvd., Hollywood]! I love that is has assigned seating and is always air conditioned! It’s not ghetto, and assholes who have screaming children never seem to go there.

Club or bar: If I’m in the mood to shake my ass to Lady Gaga or Flo Rida music then I’ll go to TigerHeat @ Avalon [1735 Vine St., Hollywood] because gay clubs know what good music is!

But I honestly don’t go to bars anymore because I always end up in fights with girls who are jealous. Punching people and beating them with my stilettos gets boring.

Where to grab some food after a show or night out dancing: Any Pinkberry location hits my G-spot. I loveee it so much, sometimes have it three times a day! Thank god, ’cause it let me cut back on my meth addiction (laughs).

Place to go for inspiration when you’re writing: Just interacting with people in any situation inspires me. Always so much drama and fun wherever I go. Whether it’s at the mall or driving down the street, there’s never a dull moment.

People in general inspire me because everyone always wants to sleep with me, it makes me feel like Wonder Woman.

What do you want people to take away from your performances? The feeling of losing their virginity with reality.

Jeffree Star’s new album, Beauty Killer, will be available later this summer. Star will perform June 26 and 28 at Warped Tour Pomona and Ventura. For more information, visit