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Member Since: 10/30/2003
6 Recent Member Comments

barry1817 wrote about Film Screenings:
Saw Evil Dead, still amazes me how characters in movies are so oblivious to what is happening. 5 people in a small cabin, but nobody can hear screams for help for a long time, or let's split up when there is a problem because there is so much more strength when we separate than when together. Special effects were decent.
Posted: 11:43am | 4/3/2013

barry1817 wrote about Film Screenings:
seems to be that one could get to a screening 6-6:15 and have no problem, but that has changed as people get to screenings earlier and earlier. Best scenario is to just give numbers out, or group numbers and then let people not have to stay in line at all. It is done at Landmark. first 25 people get a card with an actor on it, and they are called first, and so on and so on. That also eliminates one person saving spaces for so many as you would then be eligible for yourself and one other if you come early. Just a thought
Posted: 1:14pm | 11/14/2011

barry1817 wrote about Film Screenings:
Saw Moneyball and I kept thinking that Brad Pitt was looking more and more like Robert Redford. Anyone else seeing that similarity or was it just me.
Posted: 12:20pm | 9/26/2011

barry1817 wrote about Film Screenings:
The worst part of screenings is that there are a finite number of seats in a theater. Once that number is reached, people in line should be told that the theater is full, and then they don't wait for no reason. Another problem is the extreme number of people that cut in line, which means that people tend to get to screenings earlier and earlier, to save tons of spaces for those arriving late. Simple let a person save one seat, and give out numbers to people in line and then they can leave and come back when seating is started. Has been done at other times and is greatly appreciated.
Posted: 11:18am | 5/25/2011

barry1817 wrote about Film Screenings:
Saw Priest this evening, and it was enjoyable. A very short movie, less than 90 minutes by the time the credits come on. If I were to see it again, I wouldn't spend the money for 3D. I find that 3D tends to make the screen darker, and while the film lends itself to 3D, I think it would be just as good in conventional format
Posted: 11:21pm | 5/12/2011

barry1817 wrote about Film Screenings:
for tigerxeyez A friend may not be going because it is a late screening, if they don't use it you can take theri place.
Posted: 12:32pm | 1/24/2011
