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Member Since: 5/16/2005
15 Recent Member Comments

RickyO wrote about Film Screenings:
To Mitchell...if a person wants to start a line at 2AM I have no problem with that person and 1 guest being the first to enter the venue. It is when that first person brings in a score of folks with him that things start to get out of control -- especially when the next 20 people do the same thing. A bit of exaggeration, I know, but not too far from reality for specific movies. Once the "head of the line" person bragged she was saving 34 places. However, with no screenings for a couple of weeks, maybe this has become a moot discussion.
Posted: 5:49pm | 11/16/2011

RickyO wrote about Film Screenings:
To downtown & MJF: A tip of my hat to you for trying to get others to be more courteous re line cutting. What you say is so true and the reason I rarely attend CC screenings anymore. CC assumes everyone will be considerate and fair. While that is the case for 95%, the small minority has managed to either run things their way or run the screenings into ruin. Are there as many screening as there were a year ago? CC please do something for those who play by the rules. It's unfair that the same few continue to play their selfish end runs. Thanks...
Posted: 4:20pm | 11/9/2011

RickyO wrote about Film Screenings:
let me ask some questions about which many of us are wondering. Will there ever be any OC screenings again? Is everyone being punished because a small percentage of attendees lost sight of what is fair and civil? I'd hate to think that because some of decided we had enough of this selfishness and actually complained that CC is now reacting only to the complaints. That would be sad and unfair. CC has a lot of people that have enjoyed its many programs. We are thankful for all you have provided. As for those few who screwed it up for all of us: SHAME ON YOU!!!
Posted: 11:16am | 8/10/2011

RickyO wrote about Film Screenings:
jimfoley2005,I agree with you completely. I have seen the number assignment work well at other screenings; it is simple but effective. It is a great suggestion. My earlier comments were an attempt to show what the affect these "bad people" (I actually liked what you called them in your earlier notes)are having on how the studios and other sponsors treat CC and its members. It was actually your earlier statement that motivated me to write what I have seen and what I know. Thanks.
Posted: 3:50pm | 6/29/2011

RickyO wrote about Film Screenings:
The City Walk screening was unique in a few ways, but the "perfect Storm" it created lends credence to changing the way screenings are managed. Anytime you have a screening close to "Hollywood", the studios are going to have more influence than usual. They feel it is their product and we are their guests -- granted, poor relations, but never the less we are there only because of their "kindness". They had 200 seats. A film school or class managed to have 150 seats reserved for them. Then there were three radio stations with their promotions staff & guests. Their staff people reported line cutting and photocopying by others - they feel these were CC people. Again, CC is an easy target whether it is true or not.
Posted: 8:25am | 6/29/2011

RickyO wrote about Film Screenings:
There have been discussions with other sponsors and the studios to allow their people to enter before Campus Circus ticket holders. This is because the other sponsors' ticket holders usually earn their spots by winning contests or "buying" tickets with points. The other sponsors also usually provide tickets that aren't easy to counterfeit - they use hard copies or bar codes. Thus they control the number of excess line cutters. It is an easy argument to give priority to their members over CC. After the City Walk mess on Monday, I have heard that some of the sponsors are going to ask the studios to either preclude CC from screenings that these sponsors attend or better yet just have their own screenings.
Posted: 8:14am | 6/29/2011

RickyO wrote about Film Screenings:
Looks like what some of us have warned about has come to fruition -- a small percentage of self serving folks who feel they have special entitlement are ruining it for all us; including Campus Circle. It has been a while since there has been an OC screening and looks like the problems have spread to other counties. Too bad. Sorry Sean. But there has been a reoccurring discussion of those who partake of excess cutting and the counterfeiting of tickets. For what ever reason, CC has chosen not to deal with these problems and now it can affect both your membership and your organization. That is a shame.
Posted: 8:02am | 6/29/2011

RickyO wrote about Film Screenings:
You know it is just not us viewers that can lose re this situation. Campus Circle has invested a lot of time and resources to create a fine website and services. It looks like CC has made the big time now and hopefully big profits for its efforts. Good for them! It would be tragic if all this was lost because of people who only think of themselves. Continued problems and complaints could result in studios pulling their films for screenings. We would all lose.
Posted: 11:23am | 5/27/2011

RickyO wrote about Film Screenings:
You know Campus Circle provided a great opportunity for us to attend screenings. In the beginning it was a fun experience. Then the folks who wouldn't abide by the rules and common courtesy begin to ruin it for all of us. When CC screenings began to become too stressful, I moved over to the other sponsors. I was at the OC screening last night via the studio and had no trouble getting in. I really felt bad for the many CC people who didn't make it inside. I am sure that CC can "fix" things and make their screenings the fun but fair events that first enticed me.
Posted: 7:40am | 5/25/2011

RickyO wrote about Film Screenings:
I have pretty much said all I wanted to say here. I don't wish to get into the mud slinging contest with Mr. - I am always right and everyone else is always wrong - Adam. Oops I just did. Sorry. I claim Campus Circle has a problem with its guest control. Please check it out and prove me (or Adam) right or wrong. At the very least, I hope this critique will make it easier for all attendees and not just the select few.... Have a good day all
Posted: 5:35pm | 4/25/2010

RickyO wrote about Film Screenings:
And why the personal attacks? You talk of "childness and insecurities" about anyone that complains on this board. That wasn't too adult. I did not personally attack you; I criticized your activities that adversely affect so many others. You, on the other hand tried to degrade & belittle me as a person rather than defend your actions. You doth protest too much, methinks. Now back to my loving computer. Have a nice day...
Posted: 5:26pm | 4/25/2010

RickyO wrote about Film Screenings:
At last, TheBigA has retorted. Or is that Adam P - the screen name from which you changed after my comments - love your profile pictures BTW. Proved your point? How so? Simply saying what I said was made up doesn't prove any thing. Anyone who has seen you in action will know what is the truth and what isn't. When Campus Circle inspects this aspect of their screenings, they will know too.
Posted: 5:26pm | 4/25/2010

RickyO wrote about Film Screenings:
These other sources use bar codes on their tickets and that helps a bit. I know real crowd control takes staff and you probably can't afford that, but can't you occasionally check out screenings to see what is really happening. Your screenings should be equally available to every one. Currently they are not and that's just isn't right or fair. Thank you.
Posted: 12:09pm | 4/23/2010

RickyO wrote about Film Screenings:
Adam sets the example for others who also save multiple spaces. Many of their guests show up 30 minutes before showtime. Try going from 15 to 150 in line after 2 1/2 hours and see if you have a reason to complain. Also, I have heard him talk of photocopying his invitations for his "friends". He also uses multiple screen names to gather extra invites. Campus Circle you have no real control here and that's why many of us are using other sources to attend screenings.
Posted: 12:08pm | 4/23/2010

RickyO wrote about Film Screenings:
I am laughing at Adam P's comment. There he is talking about "others" who complain & whine. Now if this the Adam that is always at that head of the line in OC venues - a rather heavy guy with a shaved head - then he is the main reason many have a reason to complain. This Adam shows up early and then saves dozens of places. I got tired of arriving at 5pm so I could be guaranteed a seat, only to be pushed further and further back.
Posted: 12:07pm | 4/23/2010
