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Member Since: 8/3/2005
26 Recent Member Comments

ilovecampuscircle wrote about Film Screenings:
First Off To Sean Hello, Long Time No hear. Second No specific Names but to some of you. You complain about the littlest things. Time to time I Go To Sean Screenings and In My Opinion its ran very well and organized. "Beggers Cant be Choosers" Thank God That Campus Circle even have free screenings. Words of advice turn the negativity into positivity and the end results could be better. Too Much Complaining might shut it down not good. Not Preaching just stating. I love all of You and Just speaking the real. Sean Great work as always. God Bless, See You guys soon have some free time coming up :-)
Posted: 2:09am | 11/23/2009

ilovecampuscircle wrote about Film Screenings:
Sean B and staff You guys r invited as well this guy is well loved, funny and a great actor my fav pal fellow actor David Stay. Click on this the guy can host as well knocking em out. Campus You Guys Rock keep Up the great Work.
Posted: 9:49pm | 7/24/2009

ilovecampuscircle wrote about Film Screenings:
In RE: To My Last Msg On Michael Jackson My Bad Not O.J. But M.J. (from me been so so tired sorry) Well Love Yall.
Posted: 5:35pm | 6/25/2009

ilovecampuscircle wrote about Film Screenings:
First Off, Hello To Sean Bello Thank You Very Much. Transformers Was Great. Campus Keep Up The Good Job You Guys Definetly Rock Love You All. God Bless And R.I.P. To Michael Jackson The Original O.J. Your Music lives on.
Posted: 4:27pm | 6/25/2009

ilovecampuscircle wrote about Film Screenings:
Land Of The Lost TV Series Marathon on Sci-Fi Channel all Day today. Have fun y'all looks like a good show to me so far. Hi to Sean Bello and all hope this is helps.
Posted: 12:18pm | 6/5/2009

ilovecampuscircle wrote about the Land of the Lost LA Film Screening:
Its not Open Yet keep checcing bacc.
Posted: 12:48am | 5/25/2009

ilovecampuscircle wrote about Film Screenings:
To Dadiana The Passes are always for You and A guest unless otherwise specified. Hope this helped :-)
Posted: 12:47am | 5/25/2009

ilovecampuscircle wrote about Film Screenings:
Terminator contest is open yall good luck.
Posted: 5:08pm | 5/12/2009

ilovecampuscircle wrote about the Land of the Lost LA Film Screening:
All The Screenings are closed ppl till it show the user name and password boxes then You can sign up. If read all the details it says coming soon. Read The Whole Thing. Not half of the details. It will open soon I got an idea but thats a secret good luck love you All.
Posted: 6:58pm | 5/8/2009

ilovecampuscircle wrote about the Drag Me To Hell LA Film Screening:
Good Things Come To Those WHo Wait Remember that ppl. ;-)
Posted: 6:56pm | 5/8/2009

ilovecampuscircle wrote about Film Screenings:
You can line up from 3. and some ppl ahead of You will just bring like 30 of they friends lol i guess tho once again hey so is life. Then that makes you 31. thats why i like Sean system with the number tix when You Get Their great Job Sean.
Posted: 6:48pm | 5/8/2009

ilovecampuscircle wrote about Film Screenings:
Thats Crazy yall line up from 3 smh thats crazy. I guess Tho. Well im to busy for 3. God Bless You All As Always Campus is the Biz.
Posted: 6:44pm | 5/8/2009

ilovecampuscircle wrote about Film Screenings:
I dont Know If Yall know this or not but from my years of experience. You have to keeping checking the site to see when it open. Its like a contest. You Snooze You Loose. You just got to keep checking and it will be avail. You Guys shouldn't have to question Sean about the screenings. Just maybe give him suggestions about the site. Its all a rat race. in my opinion and this is just my opinion i dont think it would be right for him to tell You guys when the movie is avail the date time and so forth. You have to do Your Homework. Well Good Luck love yall all. The Screenigs all say will open soon. like me i got a pretty good idea when its going to open but Im not saying. just keep checking yall seriously. The idea is for you guys to visit the site get it. Common Sense. and enjoy the paper and site as well instead of just focusing on a movie. God Bless You all and much love keep up the good work once again Sean B. This Joel.
Posted: 4:18pm | 5/7/2009

ilovecampuscircle wrote about Film Screenings:
First Off I would like to acknowledge. A Great Person Who has been taking time, effort and Dedication For Many years. To make screenings possible for the Public, and also to create a great Paper. Sean B. His screenings are ran smoothly. No Problems. No complaints at the screening and would love to take time out of my now busy schedule to acknowledge that. Sean You guys are doing great Love The New Look Site Once Again and Continue The Great Work. Come on yall lets not forget about the great paper. Campus Circle thats why i dediced to use Ilovecampuscircle it speaks for itself. well God bless You All and Sean B. See You soon and we got to get you into a best paper of the year award or something anyway later buddy. And 1 last suggestion have You thought making a survey of the Movies that has been seen on this site. i think a lot of feedback would be great. Well this Joel signing out You Guys have fun once again. see Ya Soon ;-)
Posted: 1:12pm | 5/7/2009

ilovecampuscircle wrote about Film Screenings:
By The Way Love The New Look Site. Looks more interactive and easy friendly user. also thx for the Compliment Joel Oonce again.
Posted: 11:59pm | 5/6/2009

ilovecampuscircle wrote about Film Screenings:
Hi Sean This Joel I were wondering. Do You guys ever update about the movie screenings being avail on twitter or contests?
Posted: 11:58pm | 5/6/2009

ilovecampuscircle wrote about Film Screenings:
Good Luck To You All. I Seen The Movie Yesterday For My Bday. You Know How im in the game. but hope yall enjoy God Luck and God Bless. Hi Sean Keep up the good Work Your Friend Joel.
Posted: 12:36pm | 4/28/2009

ilovecampuscircle wrote about Film Screenings:
Hi Sean. I got A Suggestion What If You guys post a little survey about the movies and prob start a little Campus Circle chat room. Just A Suggestion From Joel.
Posted: 1:17am | 4/22/2009

ilovecampuscircle wrote about the X-Men Origins: Wolverine Film Screening:
This Would Be Great For My Birthday April 27.
Posted: 12:32am | 4/20/2009

ilovecampuscircle wrote about Film Screenings:
Thank You Very Much Sean. I Were Going To Surprise You All. I Had Stopped Coming For A While, Due to working on a big Project to be released soon. Im Going to finally be in the Acting Business Lead Actor in Movies and TV. Movie Should be out next year will speak to You more about in detail when I See You. So that Explains the Weight Loss and All. But I will Always rem You Guys the Best. Keep Up the good job.
Posted: 3:54pm | 4/19/2009

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