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Member Since: 7/28/2006
10 Recent Member Comments

veitguy88 wrote about Film Screenings:
just got back from due date in orange county and it was hilarious. great movie and i had a great time. the only thing is that i got there at 5pm and when it was time to go in we were like 200th back and we got seats in the front. probably 500 people showed up so many got turned away im sure. other than that thank you campuscircle for the tickets.
Posted: 10:29pm | 11/3/2010

veitguy88 wrote about Film Screenings:
thank you campus circle for the jonah hex tickets. i havent won tickets for the longest. except for the despicable me tickets but that rsvp was open for a short time so i would think those tickets were given out with a better chance. i will be there unless there is a game 7 between the lakers and celtics. i wouldnt miss that for the world.
Posted: 4:09pm | 6/14/2010

veitguy88 wrote about Film Screenings:
to answer your question. "movielover". i checked this site on friday the 4th and saw there was a screening of despicable me the next day. i signed up and got the tickets the same night. i guess you have to be lucky or check this site often. i hope that helps.
Posted: 8:27pm | 6/9/2010

veitguy88 wrote about Film Screenings:
thank you campus circle for the despicable me screening tickets. i went to the screening this morning at burbank and the movie was awesome. it was very funny and heartwarming. the best part was that it was in 3D! it was kind of packed for an early screening but i had a good time. thank you campus circle!
Posted: 8:28pm | 6/5/2010

veitguy88 wrote about Film Screenings:
just got back from couples retreat in buena park. movie was really funny and had a great time. thanks campuscircle!
Posted: 11:22pm | 10/8/2009

veitguy88 wrote about Film Screenings:
hello, campuscircle. i havent been going to screenings lately because there arent screenings that im am interested in and its hard to get tickets. didnt win tickets to whip it =(. anyways i saw a screening of the "the invention of lying" last night at the block and the movie was hilarious. by the way, thanks for the tickets to couples retreat. will be there next thursday in buena park.
Posted: 4:47am | 10/1/2009

veitguy88 wrote about Film Forums: Do OC people like to go to the movies?:
Hello, as a regular movie screening goer and lover i would love to see more movie screenings in OC. i attend movie screenings on a regular basis and over %80 of screenings i go to are at the block. Its close, convinient, the environment is great, and screenings are always fun in OC. personally i live in the Long Beach area so it takes me about 20 minutes for a screening in OC or 30-45 minutes (depending on traffic) to get to screenings in LA. its a close and easier commute and screenings are less packed in OC which is great too. I would love to see movie screenings on a regular basis in OC at the block. thanks for your time and thank you campuscircle!
Posted: 7:42pm | 8/13/2009

veitguy88 wrote about Film Screenings:
just got back from the premiere of spread. movie was ok. caught a glimpse of ashton and i saw sara paxton. thanks campuscircle.
Posted: 11:15pm | 8/3/2009

veitguy88 wrote about Film Screenings:
wow! just got my tickets for the premiere of spread. im so excited. see you there! thanks campuscircle =)
Posted: 3:42pm | 7/30/2009

veitguy88 wrote about Film Screenings:
hello. id just like to thank campuscircle for the terminator screening in LA this past monday. i got in because i got in line at 3pm. there were about 20 people in front us and then it was time to go in they let the krock ticket contest winners in first which was about 50 of them and 100 more people in front of us due to line cutters. other than that the movie was great and i look foward to seeing it again this weekend!
Posted: 12:18pm | 5/20/2009
