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Member Since: 3/24/2008
12 Recent Member Comments

mitchelldick wrote about Film Screenings:
solar sailor it's nice you make commants about movies but siskel and roper are both dead and never can be replaced thanks guy but to long in the tooth
Posted: 3:02pm | 5/8/2013

mitchelldick wrote about Film Screenings:
answer to barry 1817 you are talking about film independant where people pay 300 a year or more to belong and they run it differntly a free screening is just that free open to the public not paying members free screeningpass says boldly IN PLAIN AMERICAN ENGLISH first come first serve. early arrival is urged come at 6pm 615pm u may not get in because people are in line since 3pm or about thank you
Posted: 12:48am | 11/15/2011

mitchelldick wrote about Film Screenings:
HELLO sean B and all the campus circle peeps this is mitchell the wheelchair bound guy who goes to a lot of screenings. sean u rock you are always a fair person when it comes to leting the disabled into your screenings. last night i saw win win it was fabuolus and i won a tshirt for me shaking my bootie. thanks sean keep up the great work hope to see you at sucker punch
Posted: 11:24am | 3/17/2011

mitchelldick wrote about Film Screenings:
HI everyone first i want to say sean you rock and people are finally giving you and campus circle the credit you deserve. people sean is only human and has a life and a terrific family. sean can only be in one place at one time. so if you miss out on a screening sorry not the end of the world . second all these screenings purposely overbook to fill seats it's a numbers game so please get there early like 4pm for a major movie. again thanks to campus circle and sean bellows we get a free movie to begin with .
Posted: 7:41am | 10/31/2010

mitchelldick wrote about Film Screenings:
hi guys if anyone in OC wants tangled for sat 10am at the block in orange i have passes i can't go to OC im at please say who u are or email is deleteed i hate spam even the one in a can
Posted: 9:18am | 10/28/2010

mitchelldick wrote about Film Screenings:
campus circle rocks shawn thanks for the tickets to resident evil. people please ARRIVE EARLY that does not mean come at 5pm FIRST COME FIRST SERVE.first there is always a radio station contest and those winners always get in first so please a big movie like resident evil a 4pm arrival is smart i was in line since 3pm and there was 20 people in line already please remember A EARLY ARRIVAL IS A MUST they over book these movies on purpose campus circle was nice enough to send out passes. thanks again campus circle
Posted: 6:54am | 9/10/2010

mitchelldick wrote about Film Screenings:
people when u get a campus circle pass or any movie pass for a movie don't get in line at 6 pm or 630 for a 7 or 730 movie I don't mean to put any one down but geting to a screening at 4pm or 430 is just like the pass says first come first you guys that come 645pm even at 7 and cry BUT I WAS IN LINE why didn't i get in. HAHAHAHAH 6 or 7 is not 4 pm im always in line at 430 the latest. so learn to read the fine print before you start to cry but i was there early.
Posted: 7:43pm | 6/21/2010

mitchelldick wrote about Film Screenings:
i just got back from the jonah hex premier at the arclight. it was 73 minutes long but a great movie. well worth the 6 hour wait in line. sean you rock i believe all in line got in. i can't wait to see the last airbinder
Posted: 11:38pm | 6/17/2010

mitchelldick wrote about Film Screenings:
shawn forget it i deeply apologize maybe no other wheel chair bound person knows how easy it is to go to a shawn bellows campus circle screening and the fun you have meeting many people from all walks of life and ages two thumbs up to campus circle all of u
Posted: 4:39pm | 10/26/2009

mitchelldick wrote about Film Screenings:
i want to say sean im sorry your the man i apologise for my bad comment you look out for all your fans all screenings are open now again im sorry your the best
Posted: 10:16am | 8/19/2009

mitchelldick wrote about Film Screenings:
it's one of seans nasty tricks he now wants to let who he wants to get passes too. and the heck with the regulars or the disabled woodstock was never open yet.
Posted: 7:00am | 8/19/2009

mitchelldick wrote about Film Screenings:
i loved both fighting great cast and obsessed great thriller shawn keep up the good work
Posted: 11:06pm | 4/24/2009
