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Member Since: 3/13/2009
8 Recent Member Comments

jimfoley2005 wrote about Film Screenings:
Thank you RickyO, MJF, and downtown. "Laws can embody standards; governments can enforce laws—but the final task is not a task for government. It is a task for each and every one of us. Every time we turn our heads the other way when we see the law flouted—when we tolerate what we know to be wrong—when we close our eyes and ears to the corrupt because we are too busy, or too frightened—when we fail to speak up and speak out—we strike a blow against freedom and decency and justice."(Bobby Kennedy)
Posted: 6:20pm | 11/12/2011

jimfoley2005 wrote about Film Screenings:
Why are the messages that I had posted being removed?
Posted: 1:16pm | 8/25/2011

jimfoley2005 wrote about Film Screenings:
"Laws can embody standards; governments can enforce laws—but the final task is not a task for government. It is a task for each and every one of us. Every time we turn our heads the other way when we see the law flouted—when we tolerate what we know to be wrong—when we close our eyes and ears to the corrupt because we are too busy, or too frightened—when we fail to speak up and speak out—we strike a blow against freedom and decency and justice." June 21, 1961 Bobby Kennedy
Posted: 2:26pm | 6/30/2011

jimfoley2005 wrote about Film Screenings:
@maceo d kat: Just to get you on the right page, I got in, I'm upset about the wonderful children trying so hard to be good, and their folks trying so hard to do the best for their kids and set a good example, only to not get in because some arrogant, ignorant, jerks chose to cut in line and there was no system in place to stop them. So a potentially wonderful event, and the wonderful efforts of the Campus Circle staff, were tarnished by the selfish, deviate behavior of a few adults, who have for years gotten away with ruining the possibility of a wonderful experience by some wonderful peeps and some deserving children.
Posted: 9:30am | 6/30/2011

jimfoley2005 wrote about Film Screenings:
@RickyO: there are logistical problems with the way screenings are handled, and I'm grateful for the efforts of CC, theatre staff, and others handling crowd control. The simple problem I'm addressing is the ignorant and arrogant behavior of specific persons who habitually sneak into line, in front of those waiting for hours, before the screenings, and only them. The answer is simple, and if ignored will continue to tarnish the fine efforts of CC and their associates, and exploit all those who do the right thing, including children. When the line begins, hand out numbers, or write down names. These are 2 of I'm sure many ways to stop those who offend. Checking IDs and barcodes should be considered part of the regular routine. Thank you good people, and you bad people, stop damaging the fine efforts of the CC staff, the integrity of the good people, and the children.
Posted: 3:23pm | 6/29/2011

jimfoley2005 wrote about Film Screenings:
Thank you CC, I was able to attend the TR3 screening last night at Universal City Walk. All staff, and organizers did their best, and this was encouraging. However, many kids showed up, and since this was a kids film at a kids park it would of been totally wonderful if there was someone to stop the adult scumbags from cutting in line. Of course, when an adult scumbag cuts in line, there's one less seat for a kid who is trying to be as good as gold in order to see a film that otherwise their parents could not afford to take them to. This has been an ongoing problem for a couple of years now and the same adult scumbags persist in being arrogant and ignorant in their behavior at these potentially wonderful screenings. Thank you CC, I applaud your efforts.
Posted: 4:12pm | 6/28/2011

jimfoley2005 wrote about Film Screenings:
Hi, Thanks for the screening of Heartbreaker. I was a wonderfully warm story and I will have to see it again.
Posted: 12:42pm | 8/30/2010

jimfoley2005 wrote:
thanx peace out
Posted: 3:27pm | 5/13/2009
