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Member Since: 8/11/2009
11 Recent Member Comments

BAM6AM88 wrote about Film Screenings:
Hey Sean, Just wondering, Do you also run the CampusCircle twitter account?
Posted: 11:18pm | 4/4/2010

BAM6AM88 wrote about Film Screenings:
whoa whoa whoa. Wait what?? You can enter MORE than once for any screening??
Posted: 1:32am | 3/9/2010

BAM6AM88 wrote about Film Screenings:
WHEW. i read the runaways RSVP wrong and thought i missed it! my heart basically stopped ahha i cant wait to see that! hopefully i win advanced tix. again, thank you for the wonderful opportunities Sean and the Campus Circle staff!
Posted: 10:49pm | 2/18/2010

BAM6AM88 wrote about Film Screenings:
Bender--im totally on the same boat as you but I believe it is completely random.
Posted: 2:40pm | 2/9/2010

BAM6AM88 wrote about Film Screenings:
Still hopeful! **
Posted: 6:29pm | 2/8/2010

BAM6AM88 wrote about Film Screenings:
cristie02 -- thanks for letting us know! Ahh I was hoping for Orange tickets, easier on my schedule but if I got LA Tix I wuld definately find a way to get there. :D
Posted: 11:09pm | 2/7/2010

BAM6AM88 wrote about Film Screenings:
Thanks 007Bruin....a friend of mine *ahem (lclbruddah808) ensured me that we should have been notified on friday...ahha anyways. There is hope! :)
Posted: 1:57pm | 2/7/2010

BAM6AM88 wrote about Film Screenings:
chi2stin3---not too sure at this one has claimed to have gotten tickets but im sure the email was supposed to go out yesterday.....fingers crossed.
Posted: 6:02pm | 2/6/2010

BAM6AM88 wrote about Film Screenings:
no email yet...dont think i won Valentines day ticks :(
Posted: 10:47pm | 2/5/2010

BAM6AM88 wrote about Film Screenings:
chi2stin3- lclbruddah808 and i went together so he pretty much covered the basics!! The only other thing i would suggest if plan ahead, go early and dont be afraid to ask questions! hope you get valentines day tickets! we are also trying to go :) again, big thanks to Sean for allowing us the opportunity to go to these things. Its honestly one of greatest experiences ive had :)
Posted: 8:06pm | 2/2/2010

BAM6AM88 wrote about Film Screenings:
Thank you so much for "The YellowHandkerchief" tickets Sean! I had a great night out in Hollywood, Rain could not keep me away. Next time thou, I have to remember to get free validation! I paid 21 bucks for parking :/. Anyways, thanks for the wonderful oportuntity to see this film for free and in advance. It was great. Thank you.
Posted: 3:11pm | 1/26/2010
