Serving L.A. Since 1990

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Member Since: 1/25/2010
10 Recent Member Comments

tlayne wrote about Film Screenings:
Hey there thanks 4 the hanna tickets myself & guest really enjoyed it! It was a great film with a wonderful story line & lots of action.
Posted: 12:21pm | 4/8/2011

tlayne wrote about Film Screenings:
Hey there, was sick :-( & missed the pre-showing of sucker punch, but I saw it after it came out the other day and thought it was very well acted with a story line that was very empowering. :) Was sad I was sick for the pre-showing of it but thanks again campus circle for the ticket opportunity!! :-)
Posted: 5:12pm | 3/28/2011

tlayne wrote about Film Screenings:
Hey there the super was packed when i arrived but thanx again for the tix! :-)
Posted: 2:16am | 3/26/2011

tlayne wrote about Film Screenings:
1 word for "Limitless"..... Grrrrreat! Thanx Campus C.
Posted: 12:55am | 3/18/2011

tlayne wrote about Film Screenings:
Hey there, Thanks for the Jane Eyre tickets. Saw it last night, It was a very good film! Thanks again!
Posted: 11:36am | 3/11/2011

tlayne wrote about Film Screenings:
Hey there, no strings attached was full when myself and guest got there but thanks again 4 the ticket opportunity. :)
Posted: 5:00pm | 1/24/2011

tlayne wrote about Film Screenings:
Hey Sean, Saw Thursdays "Shes out of my league" It was a cute flick..... Thanks again for the tickets!!!! And P.S. 4 everyone out there... Time is of the essence. So if & when u get tix in regards to any sceening... Early arrival is ummmmm yeaH :) very important. :)
Posted: 4:32pm | 3/15/2010

tlayne wrote about Film Screenings:
Hoping to see Thursdays Valentines day!!!!! :)
Posted: 1:17pm | 2/9/2010

tlayne wrote about Film Screenings:
Hoping to see valentines day.... Looks really great!
Posted: 6:45pm | 2/8/2010

tlayne wrote about Film Screenings:
I was at the Monday nites L.A. Dear John premier. The movie was terrific!!! Thanx Campus Circle :)
Posted: 3:51pm | 2/3/2010
