OK, so you’re on a date, right? You’ve got everything set up – it’s just the two of you sitting around in your living room after the date, with the perfect bottle of Merlot, low lights and Target glasses. But what kind of music do you play to complete the atmosphere?

Well, if you’ve got a bottle of Liberty School wine (who also produce Candor and Treana wines) and an iPhone or iPod Touch with the new (and free!) Wine DJ app, you’re covered. With Wine DJ, pick your wine and set the mood sliders and the app will show you a list of what music goes best with your situation.

And if you don’t physically have the bottle yet, the app will even show you the location of the nearest store carrying the wine of your choice. Innovative? Yes. Perfect? No.

First, you only have the option of using Liberty School wines. While their wines are affordable ($25 or less) and come in a wide range of varietals to accommodate any taste, sometimes, you want a wine that just isn’t one of theirs. In that case, you have to know a lot about both the wine you want and the Hope Family’s line of wines to find something similar.

Also, the music generated as recommended playlists are picked from a pre-set list in their databases, not from your own music library, so you’re not guaranteed to get music that you know or even like. And really, what if you have everything but the wine? Why not let the app work backwards, too?

In the end, it’s a good way to help introduce people to the magic of a producer that has a wine for every occasion, but considering how touchy some people are about their musical orientations, I’m not so sure how useful the app itself will be in everyday situations. On the other hand, if you do happen to have a bottle of Candor Zinfandel in the house, why not?