We’ve all heard of the Worst-Case Scenario books by now, right? In this same vein, Deborah Baer has written OMG! How to Survive 101 of Life’s Most F’ed Situations. But where any Worst-Case Scenario book took weird situations and gave you real advice, OMG! takes real situations and gives you (mostly) tongue-in-cheek advice. I mean, one of Baer’s answers to dealing with a period stain while on a date? “Use the [movie] seat cushion.” Yes, she elaborates, and it actually gets even weirder than just that. No, that’s not the only option, but the others are less useful and/or less … strange. I can’t figure out if she’s trying to be funny (because then what’s the point of getting the book really) or actually giving advice about what to do if, say, “You accidentally take E.” Seriously. There’s got to be a way to strike a balance, but Baer totally misses it. But on the bright side, this would make a fantastic white elephant gift!