There’s just something about a book called Be Thrifty (…Not Cheap!) coming with a penny attached to the cover that feels more than a little presumptuous. I mean, assuming I’ve just bought this book, have I paid for this penny, and would the book cost any less without it? But maybe that’s because I naturally land more on the “cheap” side of the spending spectrum.

But we’ve all heard the old adage about books and covers, and here it holds true. Be Thrifty is a thorough guide packed with great ideas that help you save money without giving up your established quality of life. With tips on everything from cleaning your house to caring for your pet to medical tips, the book is an awesome resource.

Plus, whether you’re into weight loss or eating like a king, the extensive food section has great tips for saving on chicken (buy it whole and butcher it yourself), mixed drinks (make your own) or fresh veggies (buy in season). Be Thrifty can help you live well for less.