Think back to your early adolescence, to the foreign, drastic changes your body was going through. Hair and zits popped up where there had once been baby soft skin, and your attention was drawn to parts of your body that previously weren’t worth your attention. You were probably scared and confused and wanted a book to guide you to a sense of understanding and comfort with the new you.

Sex: Our Bodies, Our Junk is not that book. In fact, it probably would have scarred your braces-wearing middle-school self into lifelong celibacy.

From the writers of comedic pseudo-news broadcasts like “The Daily Show” and “The Colbert Report,” Sex takes on all the trademarks of an educational work (brought to you by ABS, the Association for the Betterment of Sex) with none of the factoids. It covers everything from human anatomy to foreplay and intercourse to sexual dysfunction. Despite a forward for the ladies by Sarah Thyre, this book is definitely for the guys (There’s a chapter on sexual dysfunction, after all.), but women will still find the humor in the offbeat exploration of human sexuality.

Grade: A-

Sex: Our Bodies, Our Junk is currently available.