Jim Lee is undoubtedly one of, if not the most popular artists in modern comics. Now, some of his best work is collected in this gorgeous oversized hardcover volume.

The book is really well thought out, highlighting Lee’s iconic work on Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. These sections are followed by chapters featuring the DC Universe and Wildstorm, the company Lee founded. Supplemental sections include pinups for various Vertigo titles like Preacher and Sandman, as well as statuette designs and Lee’s updated DC and Google logos.

One fascinating excerpt is a script to final page comparison from Ed Brubaker’s Sleeper. Icons does an excellent job of showing Lee’s entire process, from character sketches to roughs to final colored pages. It’s a must-have for fans of comic art.

Grade: A

Icons: The DC Comics and Wildstorm Art of Jim Lee is currently available.