Ahh, to be skilled and knowing of all things college. Sounds like the kind of job that requires you to get that dusty thinking cap (No, we don’t mean the beer hard hat that holds two drinks.) out of the closet and back where it belongs – on your head, but there’s no need for that. Thank accomplished humor author Michael Powell, the man who not only has more than 65 titles published but who has always been interested in doing things he shouldn’t. In his book, Forbidden Knowledge – College: 101 Things Not Every Student Should Know How To Do, you will learn how to:

• Spend zilch on your books (Yes, that means free books and extra cash for food.).

• Get revenge on your roommate.

• Stay awake during a lecture (You know you’ve taken naps or been thinking about catching some Z’s while sitting in the back row.).

• Gain your very own band of brothers and start a fraternity.

• Succeed and make it onto the dean’s list by cheating.

• Keep yourself entertained in class by getting away with drinking.

• Stand out at a career fair.

It’s like Tony Montana once put it in Scarface: When you get the power you get all the rewards that come with it. Powell’s book happens to be the crash course in college survival that’ll help you attain some kind of power; it’s just your job not to get suspended or expelled.