The folks at Equilibrium Fitness don’t believe in dawdling when it comes to working out. Owner and founder Annabelle Rosemurgy is passionate about getting – and staying – in shape. She champions the positive transformation of the human body and spirit through a modern synthesis of Pilates-based technique.

The sparse setting of the most recent location of Equilibrium Fitness in Miracle Mile speaks to this all-business mentality. Were it not for the padded beds on the eight state-of-the-art machines, the equipment might resemble elaborate torture devices. While pain might enter into the equation, the results are for your own good. The mission at hand is to bust through the negative feelings, to surprise the participant into discovering what they are physically capable of and to feel sexy and empowered.

The first thing one observes at the studio is the enthusiasm of the instructors. All are extremely fit and gung-ho about their work. One instructor relays that he wakes up every morning at 5 a.m. to do his own workout before beginning a day of teaching. These folks seem hooked, and the stoked-ness is infectious; I know because I tried a class for myself.

I went through a series of phases: naïve confidence followed quickly by an “oh shit” moment, resignation, acceptance and finally, “the zone,” where you just do. It is for this reason that it is great, indeed necessary, to have a guide to help you through the session. Music is suggested – of the energetic techno variety – to give you an extra push.

There are five fitness principles behind the Equilibrium workout: muscular strength, endurance, cardiorespiratory, flexibility and body composition. Both the body and mind are in for an epic adventure as you work toward the goal of finishing, so the EPOC can begin. EPOC is an acronym for excess post exercise oxygen consumption, which means your body is burning all the excess fat while you chill.

When it was over, I felt marvelously relaxed and free of stress. I could see why it was so addicting. Who wouldn’t want to feel this good on a regular basis?

There is another Equilibrium Fitness location in Glendale (420 S. Brand Blvd.).

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