Summer is almost officially here, and you’re almost officially broke. Don’t walk around with shoulders shrugged, arms folded or hands on your hips because you don’t have much money: You can’t do any hi-fives that way!

Here are five things you can do for free this summer:

1) Make history: Many art galleries and museums in L.A. are free everyday, but all have free days once a month, or even specific days weekly.

2) Get high: So many beautiful mountains and trails to climb and hike here, so little time. Oh wait, you have a lot of time – all summer in fact!

3) Do some blow: You don’t have to be a little kid or a raver to rediscover the art of blowing bubbles! It’s amazing that a little change can buy a lot of fun!

4) Scream and shout: You may not have “The Voice” or sing like an “Idol,” but everyone can sing and has stories to sing about. If no one from television discovers you, you may just discover you can actually be a decent songwriter yourself.

5) Run away: Run to the nearest museum or gallery, mountain or trail, toy store, music store or just for fun! Fun is what summer is all about. Grab a friend and celebrate your freedom with a hi-five!