Bass enthusiasts of all shapes, colors and sizes came out in full force to experience “The Executioner,” a massive, custom-stage setup touting “more than 100,000 watts of full-on bone-crushing sound” and “420 square feet of world-class, true-3D, video-mapped animations guaranteed to daze and amaze fans.” Created by Canadian dubstep wizard Excision, the setup was certainly impressive from both a visual and audio standpoint.

Needless to say, “The Executioner” was very, very loud; it shook nearly every avenue of Club Nokia’s relatively small arena and even bled outside where curious tourists stood and listened to what sounded like World War III coming from the smoking patio on the third floor.

The eclectic crowd seemed to enjoy every single watt of the nearly violent experience as Excision’s Skrillex dial-up modem sound blasted into the theater. Excision’s brand of dubstep, aptly titled “brostep” by many in the scene, was much more obnoxious and heavy than even the aforementioned GRAMMY winner. But those in attendance knew what to expect and enjoyed every moment of the late set.

The custom visuals were really something else and are worth looking into on YouTube, where tons of fans have already posted videos from the event. This brand of visual/video mapping will most likely creep into many more electronic live shows in the near future.

While his sound certainly isn’t for everyone, Excision put on one hell of a show, and I’d make a qualified guess that most fans walked away from the event with a smile on their face and ringing in their ears.