DO Drink Tropical Cocktails
Forget to Drink Water

Amongst all the partying and revelry, it is so easy to forget about hydrating your body with non-alcoholic beverages. Alcohol speeds up the dehydration process, and you do not want to be the person who needs to go to the hospital for fainting in the middle of the dance floor. Major party foul. Furthermore, staying hydrated helps you stay lively throughout the never-ending partying, and it tames the inevitable hangover that will hit you the next day. 

DO Get a Tan
DON’T Get a Sunburn

Thankfully, people are finally starting to catch on to the idea that tanning too much and getting sunburned can lead to major health issues. Skin cancer is the most common form of cancer in the U.S., and yet it is pretty easy to prevent. Make sure you bring at least SPF 30 sunscreen with you wherever you go. You will be tempted to buy SPF 8 or tanning spray, but resist the temptation! You will still get a nice sun-kissed tan with SPF 30, but anything lower than that will leave you looking as red as Elmo. Bring a travel-size bottle with you so you can keep applying it throughout the day. Putting on sunscreen can be a pain, but no one wants to see blisters on your cleavage when you hit the town at night. If you gain some Spring Break gusto, ask the hottie in the corner to help you apply the sunscreen on your back. 

DO Enter a Wet T-shirt Contest
DON’T Flash Anyone with a Video Camera

Entering a wet T-shirt contest is something that a lot of people have on their Spring Break to-do list. It’s wild, it’s daring, and it’s such a quintessential Spring Break staple. So go for it! Get wet and crazy and dance around while everyone watches. Honestly, you may never get the opportunity to do it again so you might as well sew some wild oats. 

However, be careful where and when you decide to sew those oats. These days, technology is unavoidable, and you don’t want someone sharing risqué images of you online or in videos like Girls Gone Wild. Check your surroundings before revealing your ta-tas. You do not want to be shopping at Target with your new boyfriend a year later and have some random man say, “Dom’t I know you from somewhere?” Uh. No. You have never seen me before. Ever.

DO Wear a Condom
DON’T Get an STI

Let’s face it – a lot of students go on Spring Break with sex on their minds. With a bunch of young, good-looking people wearing minimal clothing around, sex is going to happen. However, where there is sex there is also the risk of contracting a sexually transmitted infection. According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, there are nearly 19 million new STI infections occurring every year, and half of those cases are amongst people between the ages of 15-24. Many people have an STI and are completely unaware of it because they don’t notice any symptoms. Thus, they unknowingly spread the infection to sexual partners. 

Wearing a condom is one of the best ways to protect yourself from contracting an STI. This is why you must stay true to the “no glove, no love” policy while on Spring Break. To make this easier for you, make sure you always have condoms within reach. Ladies, put some in your purse; fellas, put some in your pockets.

DO Meet Someone New
DON’T Follow Them to Their Room

You will meet somebody, or maybe you will even meet a couple of sombodies. This is fantastic, romantic, fun, crazy and all those lovely Spring Break adjectives. However, you cannot just go around trusting all these new people that you meet, kiss and dance with. If they ask you to go alone with them to their room, proceed with caution. It is better to bring them along with you and your friends to a place that you are familiar with. Also, always tell your friends where you are going before you go gallivanting off with a stranger.

DO Go to a Swim-Up Bar
DON’T Forget to Use the Bathroom

Swim-up bars are one of the best inventions in the world, especially during Spring Break. You get to cool down in the pool and enjoy endless cocktails at the same time. What more could you want? Well, actually at some point you are going to want a restroom.