The always beautiful Adamari López, highly known for her acting work in Mexican and Puerto Rican soap operas, has released a book titled Viviendo (Living). Over the years, López’s been a hit as an actress. But, of late, she's gained recognition for her courage in writing Viviendo, which details her experience with cancer, personal life with former husband pop singer Luis Fonsi and the latest happenings in her life, among other things.

Viviendo is now available.

Despite a busy schedule, López managed to grant Campus Circle a phone interview. This is what she had to say:

Campus Circle: After everything that you've been through, how is it that you came to the decision to bring this project, Viviendo, to light and publish it?

Adamari López: I began working on the book when I first became ill. I began to document my process and I wrote a diary. I also recorded some of my doctor visits and chemotherapy sessions. As I began to understand the process, I thought that it would be a good idea to write a book about it. I could visualize it. I began to think about what to call it, how we would structure the chapters. I also sought to include my partner at the time as the man who was by my side and helped in my recovery. But for one reason or another, this didn't come to fruition at the time, and life took my partner and I in different directions. I would frequent breast cancer awareness events, and every single time, I would be asked if I would follow through with the book, and when I would publish it. Eventually, people from publishing were in contact with me and I decided it was time. I saw it as a chance to purge myself from negative things that have happened in my life, that caused a lot of pain, and the result is this book.

CC: Could this book be categorized as one that can motivate people to overcome adversity, and to fight for what you want in life?

AL: I think so. I feel this book is something both men and women can relate to – anyone who's been through cancer or any other illness. Women who have lost the men they love can also relate to this, but the main message of the book is about cancer and how to overcome the diagnosis and how to positively deal with it and get past it – to overcome it and then be able to enjoy all that life has to offer. Through my experiences, I feel the book will have a positive impact on those who read it.

CC: In what ways, if any, have you changed after writing Viviendo?

AL: I feel I am a better version of myself. I've always considered myself to be a good human being. However, life is full of surprises and in my case, this whole experience shook my world. It made me realize that the world does not revolve around me; it made me recognize that there were important people in my life, that I should value these people more, people who are always by my side in the good and the bad, that I should pay more attention to my health, that I should be more thankful for all the wonderful opportunities I've had in my career, and that I should enjoy and value the ones that were to come. It helped me value my life more and realize that I could be in a position to help others as well.

CC: Do you think there could be an English version of Viviendo?

AL: That would be fantastic. I would love that, but no one has approached me in that regard. I would love to publish this project through many platforms, not just an English version but perhaps audio books as well. I would love to express the contents of the book not only on print, but through my voice as well. 

CC: What else is on your agenda besides promoting your book?

AL: Now I'm focusing on my show (Telemundo morning show “Un Nuevo Día”); it airs every day live at 10 a.m., and, of course, the promotion of the book through the middle of the year. Also, I will be spending time raising awareness about the importance of early detection of breast cancer. I will also be spending time just enjoying life, and my work, and my family. My father's been in delicate health, so I don't want to neglect important things like that. As of now, we're all okay, and I look forward to tending to these things.  

CC: Is there anything else you would like to add?

AL: No. I would just like to thank everyone who's been so supportive of me and have offered so much love and support.

Viviendo is now available. For more up to date information about Adamari López, click here.