Many people assume newly graduated college students are the ones who carry the most student loan debt. However, that's not true; people in their 30's in fact carry the heaviest load.

Graduates under 30 years old owe about $292 billion in student loan debt, but the 30-somethings owe the most with $307 billion.

According to experts, this huge number could be due to poor saving and spending habits. Student loan debt can even prove detrimental for this age group when they attempt to buy a home and apply for loans because of their low credit scores. Their interest rates will also increase.

Surprisingly, student loans for this age group even trump auto loans and credit cards. The only financial burden that's bigger than student loans that 30-somethings have to worry about are mortgages.

The Chronicle of Higher Education states that about 20 million people attend college each year, and 12 million (close to 60 percent) take out loans.

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