Sitting on Gov. Jerry Brown's desk is a bill that is causing quite a stir.

The bill, which has passed both the state Senate and Assembly, would allow two-year community colleges to charge all students non-resident tuition for classes that are in high-demand during the summer and winter terms. These high-demand classes usually have long waiting lists, preventing students from being able to graduate and/or transfer schools in a reasonable amount of time. This bill aims to fix the problem.

However, not all students are happy with this plan. The bill would make high-demand classes such as transfer-level English, algebra and history costs as much as $200 per unit. Low-income students would have a tough time getting into the classes they need, whereas higher-income students would be able to pay the fees.

"This bill will create two classes of students, those who can pay and finish and those who can't. It's not the mission of a community college to be like a private college," said one student trustee in the Long Beach Community College District, according to the Los Angeles Times.

This project is voluntary; not all campuses have to adhere to the bill. For example, Oxnard College and Pasadena City College have no intention of participating.

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