The University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) received harsh criticism last year after a video that demonstrated the university's lack of diversity went viral.

However, UCLA now reports Chicanos/Latinos, African-Americans and Native Americans are all applying in greater numbers this year than in previous years.

In the viral video, titled “Black Bruins,” 12 students revealed shocking facts about UCLA's lack of diversity: In fall 2012, only 3.3 percent of the 19,838 male students at UCLA were black, and of the 2,418 entering male freshmen students, only 48 of them were black.

However, recent data shows:

-Out of 86,472 freshman applicants, 4,640 are black (a 5.8 percent increase over 2013).

-505 are Native American (up 18.3 percent)

-18,384 are Chicano/Latino (up 4.1 percent).

UCLA Chancellor Gene Block said this regarding the new statistics: "UCLA thrives best when a diverse student body brings unique perspectives and a variety of experiences to our classrooms. We are delighted that so many extraordinary students from a rich mix of backgrounds include UCLA when applying to top universities and colleges around the world."

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