One thousand students who entered the United States illegally when they were children will have the chance to earn a full-tuition scholarship, thanks to TheDream.US.

According to the Washington Post, Donald E. Graham created the $25-million fund for these undocumented students (known as "dreamers," in reference to the Dream Act) who "deserve a chance at higher education."

Graham told the Post, "It seemed terribly unfair that literally everyone else in the [high school] class could get access to federal loans and, if low-income, could get Pell grants, and the dreamers couldn’t get a cent."

Thanks to the organization's fundraising efforts, $25,000 can be given to 1,000 dreamers in the next academic year. The dreamers will be able to attend a small group of colleges located in New York, Texas, Florida and D.C. These schools have been pre-approved by the organization.

"We do not have the money to pay a whole lot of people’s tuition to highly selective colleges," Graham told the Post.

Additionally, the fund is for "dreamers" who want to study nursing, computers, technology, teaching and business.

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