Even with Valentine's Day right around the corner, college students are more inclined to stay focused on their education rather than their significant other or finding love.

According to StudyMode, a company that helps students get better grades, the lovesick college student generally does not exist nowadays. Many students are not putting romantic relationships before their grades.

StudyMode surveyed about 1,000 students and found:

- 75 percent of students want to wait between 1 and 10 years after college graduation before getting engaged.

- 40 percent don't plan to meet their future husbands/wives until after college.

- Only 13 percent actually want to get engaged in high school or college.

- 59 percent never skipped class to be with their significant other.

- And 52 percent admit to texting a boyfriend/girlfriend during class.

For more information on these findings, click here. Click here for more info on StudyMode.