In November 2013, a group of black male students at UCLA create a viral video, called "The Black Bruins," that slammed the university's lack of diversity. It attracted a lot of attention, and since then UCLA has stated there has been a rise in diversity among undergraduate applicants.

However, the crusade to bring more awareness is not over.

In this this new video, called "33," UCLA law students talk about what it's like being one of the 33 black students at a law school filled with a total of approximately 1,100 students.

"I feel like an outsider, constantly," said one female student.

"It feels isolating. It feels horrible. It feels like it's a lot of pressure," said another.

A lot of the time, these students are one of a few black students in a specific class or lecture. In other cases, they find themselves the only black student in class. 

"I get here and I'm one out of three black students in my section, and I'm told that's impressive," reveals one male student.

To say being the only black student in a class is awkward or just slightly uncomfortable would be an understatement. One female student said,"I feel my classmates' eyes on me, particulary if we're discussing something that brings race, and especially race and gender, into play."

She continued, "It's so far from being a safe space that it feels like staying at home would be better for my mental health."

The video's goal is to ultimately raise awareness about the emotional toll many black students experience because of the lack of diversity at the school.

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