For USC students, Thursday is the last day to vote in the Undergraduate Student Government elections.

After nearly three weeks of campaigning, the race for President/Vice President, Greek Senators, Residential Senators and Commuter Senators will finally come to an end. 

Though free In-N-Out and Amaze Bowls certainly tempted students to the polls this spring, it was perhaps another strategy of USG that will result in a higher voter turnout. USG extended the campaigning period by several days with the hope that this would allow more time for students to learn about the candidates, and for the candidates to engage the student body.

In the contentious race for President and Vice President, our candidates, along with some of their platform points, are as follows:

Logan Heley and AJ Pinto
Selling points: Week-long Cultural Fair, gender neutral housing options, bring back the Trojan Tram, expand tuition to cover 20 units, creation of commuter student lounge, increased USG transparency…

James White and Brigid Kelly
Selling points: Increase recognition of student via scholarships, honors and special access, promote sustainability, more USG sponsored events, increase safety on campus…

Andrew Mernard and Rini Sampath
Selling points: Remove social restrictions, maximize funding for student organizations, improve recreational spaces i.e. Lyon Center, monthly town hall meetings, campus-wide philanthropy project, redesign Web Registration, beer garden…

For Greek Senators:

Providence Ilisevich
Selling points: Improve relationship between Greeks, DPS, and Non-Greeks, improve campus facilities, Go green…

Devon Chiapello
Selling points: Sustainability on the Row, open forums to discuss social life, increased safety precautions, a phone app for Campus Cruiser…

Logan Burkhead
Selling Points: Improve campus facilities, food trucks, joint projects between USG and Greeks, introduce Fall-Semester break, allow for student input on University Village…

Residential Senators:

Aziz Akbari
Selling points: Increase funding to student organizations, introduce Fall-Semester break, increase security, community garden, recycling program, and petition administrators to decrease fees and stop the rise of tuition and student living costs… 

Logan Childers and Samantha Cheng
Selling points: Improve process for transfer/international/spring admit students, sustainability, recycling, late-night programming as alternative to parties…

Maddie Lees and Brandon Chang
Selling points: Philanthropic and activist student organizations within the Senate, town hall forums, transparent and accessible Senate, streamline calendar of events, late-night programming, continuation of Farmers’ Market…

Christine Hasrouni
Selling points: Healthier campus, smoke-free campus, town hall forums, new bike policies and improve campus facilities…

Commuter Senators:

Brianna Thorpe
Selling points: Friendly and safe commuter environment, commuter social networks, events for commuters…

Hayden Smith
Selling points: Connect commuters with internships near their residences, study space for commuters to use between classes, emergency terminals to enhance public safety, ensure game day parking…

Michael Johnson
Selling points: Research new ways to accommodate special commuter needs, interact with commuters to ensure needs are met and create sense of Trojan Family…

Samuel Cascante
Selling points: N/A.

Vong Xavier Nguyen
Selling points: Advocate on commuter’s behalf, understanding of students’ needs, maximize opportunities for students’ ambitions…

No matter if you are freshman living in New/North, or a senior about the graduate, the responsibility to vote and elect the most capable representatives for our school rests on your shoulders.

In order to make an informed decision while partaking in this democratic process, check out the USG candidate platform page.