Generation Study Abroad (GSA), a new initiative by the Institute of International Education (IIE), has succeeded in reeling in more than 150 colleges and universities to commit to specific, measurable actions that will help reach the initiative's goal of doubling the number of U.S. college students studying abroad.

The initiative is striving to have more college students studying abroad so that they will graduate with the skills and knowledge needed to become successful in a globalized world. IIE president Dr. Allan Goodman said, "Globalization has changed the way the world works, and employers are increasingly looking for workers who have international skills and expertise."

IIE states fewer than 10 percent of all U.S. college students study abroad at some point in their academic career. This number is far too low according to the institute's standards. By the end of the decade, GSA wants the number of students studying abroad to increase from 295,000 to 600,000.

For more information on Generation Study Abroad, click here.