What magical time of the year allows students to simultaneously party at the Mango Deck, shred wintery slopes, and gallivant across Europe?

You guessed it: spring break.

As students prepare for the most celebrated time of spring semester, preparation takes a variety of forms... 

Those going to sunny locations are spending their days at the gym, eating healthy and picking out new bathing suits.  Don’t forget the hours spent tanning on top of sorority houses and in the quad. Planning is not a stressor for many lucky students, as the most difficult choice they may encounter this break is whether to go in the pool or the ocean.

Others looking for a new twist on the traditional beach-laden spring break experience are booking their week-long getaways in more unconventional locations. Students such as these spend their free time booking their hotels, flights and itineraries, and plotting out the adventure that awaits them.

But of course, many other students will be using the break to be productive.  Though this is perhaps not the typical spring break trip that most students have in mind, these students will be catching up on much-needed hours of work and sleep.

No matter if you’re laying in the sun, or lying in bed, spring break is the time of year that all students look forward too. After the struggle of midterms, nothing is more needed than this time to relax.

From March 16 - 22, students at the University of Southern California will be celebrating this beloved respite in a variety of exciting locations:

Meredith Jordan and Nicole Simon, two senior business majors, are going on the classic 'SC Cabo trip. “I went sophomore year and had the time of my life. Plus, it’s really convenient and cheap and all my friends are going,” said Jordan. Simon agreed, “Most of USC is going to Cabo. It’s the location that the majority of students go here.”

Blake Dethlefsen, junior majoring in business, and his friends are going to Tahoe this year and staying at a friend’s house. “There are a lot of things to do in Tahoe, like skiing and snowboarding. You can also go to casinos, hike, or other things outdoors.”

Angel Huang, a senior majoring in communications, is taking a trip that is definitely out of the norm. Where is she going?  “London, Amsterdam, or Prague… I really can’t decide. It’s my senior year, though. I want to do something special with my friends for this last one.”

Chris Poplawski, senior majoring in business, is looking to enjoy spring break within the comfort of his favorite sunshine state. “I’m going to San Fran with friends to enjoy good food, shopping and bar hop.”

Brenda Su, a sophomore major in business, and Matt Argomaniz, a junior psychology major, are planning on spending their Spring Breaks in the comfort of their beds. “Spring break is for sleeping. I will be working and trying to do as much of nothing as possible.”

Tony Intagon, a Ph. D. student at ‘SC will be spending this break in Marina Del Rey at the ISI Lab conducting data mining experiments. “I want to graduate soon. I’m using this break to write another research paper so that I can get my diploma and return to Thailand.”