Come on, admit it: all college students drink or have some sort of alcoholic beverage before they turn 21. We get it. Drinking has become some sort of college rite of passage that we totally understand.

And it seems like we're not the only ones who do.

A new bill is being proposed to allow underage drinking. But before you get too excited, please note that this bill is pushing for underage drinking only for academicnot party, purposes.
Underage students enrolled in brewing, viticulture and oenology classes are met with the problematic reality that they can’t legally taste the drinks they have made. These classes are dedicated to growing grapes and making wine out of them, but how will students who make the wine know if it is any good?
According to the Huffington Post, the University of California is fully supporting a bill proposed by assembly member Wesley Chesbro, which will award these students special tasting privileges. Jason Murphy, UC legislative director, also agrees that tasting the wine is vital to understanding the science behind the process.
How good does that sound: tasting wine and getting an A+ for it? Sounds like a sweet deal to me.

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