In high school, students are usually able to opt out of watching certain documentaries in class if the content was "too mature." Now, it seems that students at the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) will be able to do the same in a slightly different context.

Some students want to restrict material in college classes if the content is too mature or makes students feel uncomfortable, reports the Los Angeles Times.

The UCSB Senate recently passed a resolution to protect students from material that might “trigger” feelings of emotional or physical distress. The material being address would involve rape, sexual assault, suicide, pornography or graphic violence.

The resolution asks professors to excuse students from having to come to class if they feel uncomfortable with the material. This would result in the student not being penalized if they do attend class for that reason.

With that being said, assignments, exams, midterms and finals would have to be adjusted to allow for all students to have an equal opportunity to pass the class.

But, the new student resolution has not been finalized and can still be rejected if the university feels the movement will not benefit students’ overall academic performance.

One L.A. Times writer explained college is a time to develop an open mind and tackle difficult, uncomfortable situations and discuss them openly without judgment. This new "trigger warning" would lead to underdeveloped students with a limited education.

However, supporters of the resolution believe sheltering students to protect them from mature content is going to benefit them in the long run.

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