Untitled Document You have been looking for an excuse to go out dancing with your friends since that last disastrous excursion to Hollywood, you know, the one with that creepy guy and the girls who could barely stand in their stilettos? Well, here is a chance where you can dance to do some good. UCLA’s Annual Dance Marathon runs throughout President’s Day weekend, from Saturday morning until midday Sunday.

The event, which features 26 hours straight of non-stop dancing is one of the largest student run philanthropic events on the west coast, and has raised nearly $400,000 for pediatric AIDS research and treatment in its 4 years of existence. This year promises to be the most successful yet. All proceeds go to the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS foundation, a well established bastion against not only AIDS, but many other dangerous diseases that face today’s children.

That’s why the dance marathon is awesome. Here is why it’s fun. In the past, the event has been studded with celebrities and great bands. The organizing committee always does a great job of snagging interesting personalities to help preside over the endurance test that this event sometimes turns out to be.

Last year featured hot indie rockers Paramount, and this year is sure to draw many awesome performers. Shanna Moakler and Emmy Award winner Camryn Manheim are slated to attend this year’s event, among myriad others.

Put on some comfy shoes and make your way over to the UCLA campus, if not to dance, then at least to watch the kids who have been grooving to Fatboy Slim and Kelly Clarkson for 19 hours straight, trying to keep themselves standing, fighting off the dastardly forces of gravity and exhaustion. While you’re there, you might just want to make a donation to one of the worthiest causes imaginable, as you enjoy some excellent entertainment. So what are you waiting for? GET UP AND GET OUT!

Ackerman Grand Ballroom is located on the UCLA campus, in Westwood. For more information, visit www.dancemarathon.ucla.edu.