For many college students, there is only one thing causing them more stress than their impending finals: summer plans.

Sure, summer used to be a time of freedom and relaxation, sleeping and binge-watching television shows. Now, it’s become a time to bolster your résumé, make money to fund next semester’s adventures and figure life out.

Sleeping late on weekends aside, summertime now carries a lot more weight than it did during your childhood.

For undergraduates, summers will be spent working or learning. Time-consuming internships or classes will take up most of their summer days, with relaxation being the furthest possible option.

Recently graduated seniors will either be enjoying their last summers or jumping into the employment line. Those with a little time to spare before starting work will be resting up or potentially filling out job applications.  For those experiencing the latter, summer is but a far-gone memory. 

Students at the University of Southern California are making the most of their summer months no matter their status in school.  Undergraduates and graduates alike will be using their time to the fullest, whether it be working, traveling, learning or figuring out their futures.

Patrick Mazuca, a junior public relations and political science double major, will be balancing work and play: “I’ll be starting off the summer as a camp counselor at USC Troy Camp and then working for the rest of the break as camp counselor at Waterfront in Newport Beach. One of the highlights of my summer is definitely going to be taking a few days off to hang out with friends and listen to music. I’ll be going to Outsidelands in San Franscico.”

Matt Arechaederra, a junior finance and accounting major, will be dedicating his summer to working hard and learning in the workplace: “I'm working for ACRE Investment (management) Company as a financial analyst intern. I'll be responsible for doing market research, analyzing investment strategies, portfolio management and valuation.”

Jesus Gonzalez, a junior at USC with a passion for international relations, has particularly interesting and unique plans: “I'll be in Morocco for nine weeks through the state department's Critical Language Scholarship program (CLS) to study Arabic intensively. On top of over 20 hours of Arabic classes a week, I’ll be living with a host family that most likely doesn’t speak English, so it will be some serious immersion. The program has some travel incorporated into it, but I definitely want to take the opportunity to explore the region on my own.”

Recently graduated seniors are also making the most of their last summers by working, studying and exploring the world around them.

Dawnielle Tellez, an environmental sciences major, said: “This summer, I plan to study for the GRE and take it early fall. I'll also be looking into public policy graduate school programs and applying to internships around the country for environmental policy. Summer is my favorite time of year, and I plan on spending lots of my free time outdoors and exploring L.A.!”

Mackenzie Ralston, an international relations major, will be taking her adventure abroad before starting work: “After graduation, I'll be traveling through Europe with friends from both high school and USC. We're planning to go through Dublin, Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris, Rome and Barcelona. I return at the beginning of August and will be moving to New York a couple weeks later to start my career with a marketing firm there.”

Senior mechanical engineering major Danny Bueker will be working this summer before pursuing his graduate degree: “This summer, I will be employed by Space Exploration Technologies (SPACEX) before returning to complete my progressive degree master’s in mechanical engineering. The progressive degree program (PDP) is different from the traditional master’s, as you are allowed to begin coursework during your undergrad. I am looking forward to working at SPACEX this summer, because the company is known for a challenging work environment and a mover in private space programs.”