High school seniors spend a year choosing the perfect college to attend. Obviously, every student looks at a school's education quality, professors, classes, location, etc. But for some, the most important question is, “Which school is the biggest party school?”
Let’s be honest, many students work hard during high school so they can attend a college that will allow them to explore the world of drugs, alcohol and sex without their parents being around. Unfortunately for these students, many colleges are cracking down on underage drinking by rescinding acceptances from students who are caught drinking during campus visits—definitely a major buzz kill.

Universities are weeding out the students who are most likely to cause trouble for the school later on by treating their incoming freshmen the same way they would an enrolled student. According to Business Insider, a George Washington University administrator told the school’s student newspaper, “When a student makes a decision to illegally consume alcohol or use illegal drugs…it calls into question the types of choices the student will make around substance use when they come to campus in the fall.”

This new consequence for getting caught drinking could result in students finally taking their $20,000 to $60,000 education more seriously.