A version of Jimmy Kimmel's celebrity mean tweets has reached the collegiate level.

A student paper at Simon Fraser University called The Peak put together a hilarious video of professors reading bad online reviews of themselves (via Huffington Post).

"She will mock your aspirations then cackle over the remains of your spirit," read Professor Nicky Didicher.

"Good lecturer, ugly shoes," read Professor Zorana Svedic.

And Professor Alec Dawson read only one word, "... .... boring..."

All of the professors proved to be great sports while reading the reviews; they either laughed or came up with witty comebacks.

Yeah, students can always just go to RateMyProfessors.com to get the dirt on college professors, but we're sure many of them would much rather prefer a version of this funny, harsh video of self-deprecation at their own schools. Nice work, SFU.

Watch the video above!