Colleges such as Catholic University and Liberty University ban sex outside of marriage on their campuses. However, although some may argue that these religious beliefs can cause ignorance, these institutions haven’t let their beliefs prevent them from teaching students about sexual assaults on campus.

A senior official at Catholic University told the Washington Post that the school is “realistic and clear with students” about sexual activities.

“Our teaching, of course, is that that relationship [should] be a product of exclusive love between two married people,” said Lawrence J. Morris, the university’s general counsel and a retired Army colonel. “But any relationship anybody has has to be conducted in a respectful and appropriate manner. So we are just as clear to them, in a way that is consistent with the overall message of the university on that particular matter, about having consciousness of the other party’s condition.”

Catholic University’s pamphlets and website underline the university’s policies on incapacitation, consent and sexual misconduct, including the statement that consent “cannot be obtained from someone who is mentally or physically incapacitated whether due to drugs, alcohol or some other condition.”

Liberty University, an evangelical Christian school in Lynchburg, Va., bans drinking alcohol or having premarital sex on its campus. However, the school holds sessions called “keeping it safe,” which address issues of sexual misconduct.

“We do the education even though obviously our rule would prohibit sex outside of marriage,” Mark Hine, Liberty’s senior vice president for student affairs told the Post. “Just because we prohibit it doesn’t mean it’s still not going to be considered by young adults with hormones raging.”