California for-profit education chain Bryman Colleges' parent company, BioHealth Colleges Inc., filed for bankruptcy, closing all of its campuses and firing all employees on Friday, reports NBC Southern California.

Now, nearly 300 students are left confused, worried and stressed.

"This is my life they're messing with," said one student Monday at the college's Los Angeles campus at Wilshire Boulevard.

"Everybody's got questions, and we need them answered," another shouted.

NBC reports some students said they received an email notification on Sunday informing them the college was closed. According to the Wall Street Journal, the California Bureau of Consumer Affairs visited the campuses Monday, telling students about their options and how to receive reimbursement through the state's Student Tuition Recovery Fund, avoid federal student loan debt and get their transcripts.

Students at Bryman Colleges were studying to become dental assistants, massage therapists, medical assistants and more.

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