At U.S. universities and colleges, 9,728 students are coming from Nigeria, 204 from Liberia, 169 from Sierra Leone and 95 students from Guinea -- the four West African countries that have been hit hard by the Ebola virus. So, as a precaution, some colleges will be performing health checks on these students to check for signs of the disease, reports the Associated Press.

Several colleges will be checking these students' temperatures and monitoring fevers, and the American College Health Association recommended schools should update emergency plans, find out where the students have traveled, and use isolation exam rooms.

The University of Illinois is expecting 30 Nigerian students, who will be pulled aside for a temperature check and a "private Ebola discussion." Similar screenings will also take place at the University at Buffalo, Mercer University in Georgia, Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia and the University of Akron in Ohio.

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