The LAPD and USC's Department of Public Safety have both been accused of racial profiling before (most notably, last year), and now UCLA's campus police finds itself facing similar yet slightly different accusations.

According to The Los Angeles Times, a 46-year-old African American UCLA facilities employee is accusing the university police of racial profiling him after being stopped Aug. 27 on campus after his shift.

Claudius E. Gaines III's lawyer, Carl Douglas, said police pulled over Gaines, called for backup and threatened Gaines with pepper spray without any legal justification.

However, the university insists the police officers were justified and disputed the lawyer's claims. According to police, Gaines was "obstructing and resisting an officer" when he refused to show his driver's license and proof of registration.

On Wednesday, the police union's president said police dashboard camera videos would justify the officer's actions.

Read the full story on The Los Angeles Times.