By 2017, we might not even recognize the University of Southern California in South Los Angeles.

The Los Angeles Times reports the university plans to reveal the final design of its $650-million housing and retail complex on Monday. The new village will replace the old University Village along Jefferson Boulevard and Hoover Street.

For those who remember, the UV used to contain a few rinky-dink shops and eateries that many students wouldn't dare frequent (except maybe the Superior grocery store and Baskin-Robbins). There was also a movie theater that made many students prefer taking a bus all the way to L.A. Live's Regal Cinemas and pay a whopping $15 to see a movie.

But soon (hopefully), 'SC students will be able to enjoy a richer experience at the new USC Village, which will include a large grocery store, a drugstore, a fitness center, shops and residence halls that will house 2,700 graduate and undergraduate students. The design is supposed to embody a "Collegiate Gothic" style. 

On its website, the university claims the new USC Village "will provide a unique learning environment for undergraduate students – a place that will inspire creativity, collaboration and community among peers" and will hopefully spark some economic activity in L.A.

The USC Village also hopes to benefit the L.A. community -- not just students.

"Bear in mind that students are here only nine months a year. So for this to be as economically viable as we think it will be, we need to serve the community. And the community needs these options for better dining and better retail," USC's senior vice president for university relations told the Times.