When students enroll in college, their focus should be on learning, enriching their minds, forming relationships and staying healthy. Getting a glowing tan in time for spring break really shouldn't be a priority.

However, a group of researchers from the University of Massachusetts Medical School found that 48 percent of the top 125 colleges in the U.S. have indoor tanning facilities either on campus or in off-campus housing.

Thanks to countless studies and numerous doctor lectures, every American basically knows that tanning (indoor and outdoor) poses some serious risks, especially for young people. Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer, and according to the FDA, the risk of melanoma of the skin increases by 75 percent when tanning bed use starts before age 35.

With evidence of these shocking health risks related to indoor tanning, it's hard to imagine why colleges invest in tanning beds for students. Is it because they draw students into campus housing? Our guess: probably.

But ABC News senior medical contributor Dr. Jennifer Ashton said it's not worth it. "These indoor tanning salons are dangerous. They are expensive, the risks far outweigh any possible benefits and they're unnecessary."