Although 65 percent of recent college grads are employed, a CareerBuilder survey that was released in October found that 51 percent of employed 2014 college graduates are in jobs that don't even require a degree, including 45 percent of four-year degree graduates and 57 percent of associate degree graduates.

Despite the fact that their jobs don't require a degree, most recent grads are trying to pursue a higher education. Sixty-one percent are already pursuing an advanced degree or plan to do so in the next year.

The vice president of human resources at CareerBuilder said in a press release, "The first six months after graduation marks a major transition that can take many forms, but for the Class of 2014, the emphasis is less on finding the dream job out-of-the-gate and more on furthering one's education. The wage premium for attaining a graduate or professional degree has always been high, and this generation clearly understands the promising employment opportunities rewarded to the most-educated workers."