Sexual assault on college campuses is a topic that's been dominating many conversations and newspaper headlines. More people than ever before probably know that approximately one in five (20% to 25%) college women have experienced sexual assault.

But, did you know 21 percent of college students report having experienced dating violence by a current partner?

These findings suggest domestic violence is as prevalent as sexual assault on campus.

According to Inside Higher Ed, many domestic violence cases go unreported.

Although domestic violence is less discussed than sexual assaults on college campuses, they're addressed in similar ways.

Vice president of government relations at the American Association of University Women told Inside Higher Ed:

"It’s all on a continuum. When we’re talking about sexual assault, we’re basically talking about violence against women. And attempting to prevent that is a holistic approach that starts with sexual harassment and goes through sexual assault and even murder. When we talk about these things, we have to talk about them on this continuum."

Still, perhaps there should be more discussions on campus about domestic violence specifically, especially since more fatal reports have been covered by the media.

For example, 22-year-old University of Chicago student Nadia Ezaldein was fatally shot last Friday while working at a Nordstrom store. Her killer, 31-year-old ex-boyfriend Marcus Dee, "was accused of cracking her ribs, punching her in the jaw and putting a gun in her mouth" seven months ago, reports the Chicago Tribune.

Ezaldein's sister filed a request for an order of protection for her sister, but the petition was denied.