For some college students, summertime isn’t just sand, surf and a stress-free hiatus from classes. And although it is tempting to forget about your worries and take a three-month siesta on the beach, summertime can be ideal for catching up on credits and ensuring your spot at graduation. At California State University, Long Beach, the Summer Sessions are taken seriously, offering a slew of classes for students looking to get more out of their summer than the perfect suntan.

From general education requirements to major-specific courses to professional training, CSULB’s Summer Sessions cater to a wide variety of students. “Summer Sessions offer students three separate sessions, plus more than 75 classes entirely online, all featuring some of the most in-demand and popular courses,” said Kristine West, Program Developer. “With the variety of options and ways to take hard-to-get classes, students have a lot more opportunities to find what they’re looking for.”

With three sessions to choose from, students are able to get ahead or catch up on courses they need. For example, maybe you were unable to get a class during the regular semester due to high demand. Or maybe you had difficulty in a course and were forced to drop it. That’s where CSULB’s Summer Sessions come in, providing the opportunity to succeed.

Along with benefitting current CSULB students, Summer Sessions provides non-admitted students the chance to better themselves professionally. “Professional programs, personal enrichment courses, as well as workforce development programs are always available through CCPE [College of Continuing and Professional Education],” said West.

For current CSULB students and non-admitted, the Summer Sessions are offered at accelerated rates and at an assortment of hours to fit into your schedule. Some classes can even be completed online, allowing students busy with internships or fulltime working professionals the ability to attend class remotely.

“CSULB’s Summer Sessions is designed for students looking to accomplish a lot in just a short amount of time,” said West. “With two six-week sessions and one 12-week session, plus more than 75 classes available online, students can earn up to 13 units toward their degree in a fraction of the time.”

Spending the summer studying might not be the most ideal respite from the regular semester, but the three-month period can be a productive opportunity. The Summer Sessions at CSULB help facilitate that advancement. And not to worry; the beach and the pool will still be there even if you have to make time for some study sessions.

Non-admitted students can enroll here.

View a list of the courses offered here.